Rich Batiuk

Rich Batiuk

Rich Batiuk was the associate director for science, analysis and implementation at the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Chesapeake Bay Program Office located in Annapolis, Md. In his 33 years with EPA and working for the Chesapeake Bay Program partnership, he led the integration of science into multi-partner policy-making and collaborative decision-making.

Working with academic, agency, advocacy and business experts, Batiuk was responsible for providing federal, state, regional and local partners and stakeholders with innovative technical and programmatic solutions to complex policy issues facing restoration and protection of the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem and the surrounding 41 million-acre watershed.

Batiuk has now teamed up with Holly Greening, former Director of the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, as co-founders of CoastWise Partners to apply their combined 70+ years of experience to provide help with development and implementation of collaborative watershed management strategies.

They are working with a wide array of agencies, organizations and partnerships across the country and around the world, all for only good food!

Batiuk received his Bachelor of Science degree in environmental science from the University of New Hampshire in 1984 and his Master of Science degree in environmental toxicology from American University in Washington, D.C. in 1985.

He lives in Annapolis with his wife Susan, enjoying more time for fly-fishing, kayaking, hiking, camping, bird watching and traveling to some amazing natural places.

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